Thursday, March 22, 2012

Agent Side: Part 1

     I awoke this morning to my cell phone chirping.  My eyes struggled to open to see who was calling me. It was Agent Clifford. I immediately snapped up out of bed. This was the phone call I had been waiting for. The last six months were a string of false leads. I had been informed that Clifford would contact me if something with more backing arose.     The morning signified the 12th day of September, year 2019. The trees were beginning to lose their full color as they began to litter the browning grass. Everything seemed so innocent. A few children were being escorted to their school bus by the Education Guards on the street below my bedroom window. After a quick glance out the window I clicked back into reality. Things were bad. Real bad. This phone call however could help change everything.
     "This is Agent Russell", I answered.
     The Agent responded, "Good morning sir. I am Agent Maxwell Clifford with the National Security Agency and I have a few pieces of information about case number 89114 you have been working tirelessly on."
    "That's good news", I responded.
     "Yes, indeed", the Agent continued. "There is a small list of potential suspects I would like for you and your team to keep an eye on. They need to be located and kept under very close security where every single move they make is carefully monitored and recorded. This is of the highest importance and could potentially save millions of lives."
     "Oh my good God." I replied. "You can trust me, sir! Who are the terrorists?"
     Clifford continued his instructions, "Well, I will go from highest to lowest in terms of threat. First will be a white male in his mid thirties, who goes by the name of Kenan Wayan. This man is dangerous and is believed to own multiple guns. Semi-automatic, at that."
     "Dear God!" I exclaimed.
     "Yes! He is believed to be in the southern portion of Florida. I would start with Miami." Clifford stuttered, cleared his throat and began again. "Second, a young white male, late twenties, who goes by Michael Gratton Tipton. He is commonly referred to as MGT. Now, he is also believed to be armed, but that information has yet to be confirmed. We are not sure if the first two suspects are working together, but we do believe it is possible based on the fact that they have prior association with one another. MGT is believed to be located in the mid west either in Oklahoma or Missouri. Now, the third and final culprit's name has yet to be established, but we call him ST1. This man has not been heard of for over a year and it is possible he may be dead. The area of ST1 would be in either Tennessee or Kentucky. In 2015, he escaped from authorities after they found him growing marijuana in the woods of West Virginia. He was last spotted heading towards Kentucky. ST1 has had no known contact with Kenan or MGT, but with these three hiding potentially dangerous plans, you just never know."
     "Have these men been spotted recently? And also, are we allowed to shoot on site?" I asked.
     Agent Clifford quickly replied, "NO! Please do not shoot on site. If we get the wrong guy or cause a scene, the repercussions could be cataclysmic. No media, no witnesses. Just calm and quietly eliminate resistance."
     "Yes sir! You have my word", I responded.
     Clifford went on, "But we do not know of exact faces but have put together enough information by previous cell phone and internet usage. We are merely guessing on the location and from a few Infraguard sources, we have had made these targets for investigation...and possible elimination. Please, Russell, do God's work and keep us informed. Find out any secret destructive plans with these men. May the best be with you and your team!"
   And just like that, my mission had been set. The phone call had ended and a sense of relief came over me as I knew that the last of the resistance would be eliminated, one day. As long as the security of this land is threatened, people like me will always be needed.